Setting up a daily status record in MySQL

Phases of progression of a full lunar eclipse by Jean Beaufort

Say you have a table in your DB and and the way it’s set up is as a static “current state” rather than as a timestream. The following is example data from a table called towns

towns has an id, a name, an integer (0 or 1) representing blocked status and a planning stage string.

In this kind of setup, when a status parameter changes, it changes forever and the previous status is lost.

Here’s how you can make a daily status record so you can look back and see the history of an item’s status.

1. Create a stored function to figure out the status

If status is very obvious, you may not need this step. However, as data gets more complicated, you may find that status isn’t straight-forward. For the towns table above, the following conditions apply to work out the status:

  • The town can be blocked or not blocked.
  • The possible states for planning_stage are “pending”, “audited” or “complete”

The possible statuses follow (these examples are all made up so don’t worry too much about it making sense)

The stored function is going to take the town_id and return a string with the status. We’re also going to add a status “UNKNOWN STATUS” to catch cases that don’t fit the requirements and a “NO SUCH TOWN” status in case the town_id passed in is bogus.

drop function if exists get_town_status;
CREATE FUNCTION `get_town_status`(input_town_id int(10)) RETURNS varchar(31) CHARSET utf8
  DECLARE town_status varchar(31) charset utf8;
  DECLARE town_exists, is_blocked, is_pending, is_audited, is_complete int;

select town_id,
into town_exists, is_blocked, is_pending, is_audited, is_complete
from towns
where town_id=input_town_id;

set town_status = case
  when town_exists is null then "NO SUCH TOWN"
  when is_blocked=1 and is_pending=1 then "Blocked pending approval"
  when is_blocked=0 and is_pending=1 then "Ready for audit"
  when is_blocked=1 and is_audited=1 then "Blocked during audit"
  when is_blocked=0 and is_audited=1 then "Ready for certification"
  when is_blocked=1 and is_complete=1 then "Refused"
  when is_blocked=0 and is_complete=1 then "Certified"

RETURN town_status;
END //

We can then use it like

select get_town_status(123456789), get_town_status(36972), get_town_status(63406);

Which returns “NO SUCH TOWN”, “Blocked pending approval”, “Ready for certification”

2. Create a status record table

CREATE TABLE town_status (
   town_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
   town_status varchar(31) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
   recorded_at date NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (town_id,recorded_at)

This sets up a link between the town and the status on a particular date. The primary key is a combination of the town_id and the recorded_at date, meaning you can only have one record for each town on any given day.

You’ll note that although town_id is an id from a foreign table, it doesn’t have a foreign key constraint. This is because even if the town is deleted, you will still want to enter an historic record of its final stage.

The initial population of the table will simply add today’s values for all towns to the status table.

insert into town_status (select id, get_town_status(id), curdate() from towns);

3. CREATE A current status view

The current view will show the latest recorded status for each town. This view will self-join the table town_status finding the latest_date for each town.

This view will be useful if you want to quickly get the current recorded status of all your towns (for example if calculating it using get_town_status is spendy).

create view current_town_status as (
    select ts.*
    from town_status ts
    join (
        select town_id, max(recorded_at) as latest_date
        from town_status
        group by town_id) x 
    on x.town_id = ts.town_id and x.latest_date = ts.recorded_at

4. make a daily event to store the status each day

We’ll make an event to recur at 00:15 every day, starting tonight. This event will record the status for each town if it has changed since the most recently stored value. Two caveats apply: 1) we’ll need to add a new row if the town is a new entry into the towns table and 2) we’ll also need to record if a town disappears from the towns table.

The left join and null check in the first insert statement will take care of new towns: if the town is not already on the town_status table, it will be added with its status.

To manage the second case, where the town has been deleted from the towns table, we check to see if there are any towns on the town_status table but not on the towns table, where the last recorded status was not “NO SUCH TOWN”. If any examples are found, then add a “NO SUCH TOWN” status for this town_id for today.

#Nightly event to keep track of town status changes
drop event if exists record_town_status;
delimiter |
create event record_town_status
on schedule
every 1 day

insert ignore into town_status (
    select, get_town_status(, curdate()
    from towns t
        left join current_town_status ts on
    where (ts.town_status is null or get_town_status( <> ts.town_status)

insert ignore into town_status (
    select ts.town_id, "NO SUCH TOWN", curdate()
    from current_town_status ts
             left join towns t on = ts.town_id
    where is null and ts.town_status <> "NO SUCH TOWN"

delimiter ;

Over time, the town_status table will build and you will be able to see a history of events. E.g.

select * from town_status where town_id=43624;

Might return something like

43624 Blocked pending approval 2020-06-01
43624 Ready for audit 2020-06-30
43624 Ready for certification 2020-07-01
43624 Certified 2020-07-06

And then you’ll be able to things like analyse how long it typically takes to move from stage to stage.

The same principles apply for statuses that need to be recorded more or less frequently, you would just need to adjust the time unit in the status table and the event timing. Beware unchecked growth where statuses change frequently and your initial data table is very large.

(FYI: My DB is MySQL 5.7 so doesn’t support window functions)

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