For my valentine

import turtle

s = turtle.getscreen()
t = turtle.Turtle()
turtle.title("Happy Valentine's Day!")
for i in range(3):

style = ('Courier', 30, 'italic')
t.write('I love you!', font=style, align='center')

input("I love you!")


Blah blah, been away, insert excuse here.
I’ve had a fab Christmas, I hope you have too. I returned to full-time work recently and have been too wiped to enjoy my fam let alone anything else. But over crimbo I finished a pair of socks – no languishing on second sock for me, just whip, whip, go. 

They’re patterned, and done in variegated, so of course the patten is indecipherable. They’re “To the ocean” by Helena Callum from knit now 60. I only made one mod- to slip the travelling stitch every other row.

My bro got me knitting stuff from Winnie’s craft cafe for Christmas, including this gorgeous yarn bowl by carol burke. I <3 it muchly.

I’m def in a sock mood and lil bro hit the nail o the head with his gift cos the other things were sock yarn and a sock book. I’m thinking of joining the 12 socks in 2017 challenge set out by Dee Murphy in the DKC knit along group on facebook. Just to be clear, I’m taking that as 12 individual socks, not 12 pairs as srsly? Wrists aren’t cut out for that amount of action!!

Have started a wee leftover mitred sq blanket tho.

 All these shots are brought to you courtesy of night-time lighting soz.

What else? Hmmm my resolutions are the same as always and I expect they’ll all do what they usually do and fizzle out by next week. Except one. Apols for the cryptic stuff that follows. I’m doing something that’s making me unhappy ATM and I’m working on digging my way out of that. My resolution for January is to study up for the first, best opportunity to get out. Happens in Feb. Fingers crossed.

Episode 4: Catching up with Catchloops

I was very flattered to be interviewed for the Blasta podcast. Dearbhla asked some great questions and got me thinking about the design process.


For Episode 4, Dearbhla caught up with Elanor King a.k.a. “catchloops” when they were both at Unravel earlier this year.

2015-03-11 161 Unravel souvenirs

During their chat they speak about a number of patterns:

To celebrate her Knitty success, Elanor has set up a KAL. The cast-on date was May 1st but you have until July 20th…

View original post 247 more words

Va Va Voom

Gorgeous version of Sombra


Vs_narrowThis last year, I’ve been fortunate enough to be on an intensive knitting binge … and I still just cannot stop. Lately I have been knitting garment after garment. My most recent accomplishment is my Violette Seater.

As soon as I saw the pattern for Sombra in the Summer 2014 issue of PomPom Quarterly, I knew I must knit it. I set out to find a great lace weight yarn to use – it was a whole new world as I hadn’t really knit with such a light weight yarn before.

I decided on The Fibre Company Meadow because I highly admired the color and fiber blends. I love yarns with depth to them!

This was a very fun pattern to knit and goes very quickly. The color is achieved simply by adding in strands of yarn. The lightest section (the background) is just one strand while the darkest…

View original post 56 more words

And the winner is….

Who won the copy of Hitch?

RNGs for any situation!
RNGs for any situation!

Can you tell how I misspent a portion of my youth? :)

The winner posted comment #5
The winner posted comment #5

It’s YOU, Carmen N, who likes the number 3! I’ll get in touch with the details.

Thanks to everyone who entered.

x e